University of California Publications in Botany
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University of California Publications in Botany
ID publication: 5861

Indexed illustrations in this publication: 0

References: -



Total number of volumes: 42

volumevolume (sub)titleyear(s)indexed illustrations (© volumecontributor
vol. 1 1902indexed illustrations: 036925
vol. 2 indexed illustrations: 0210518
vol. 3 indexed illustrations: 0210519
vol. 4 indexed illustrations: 0210520
vol. 5 1912indexed illustrations: 0177352
vol. 6 1914indexed illustrations: 021046
vol. 7 1916indexed illustrations: 022060
vol. 8(1) 1919indexed illustrations: 020176
vol. 8(2) 1919indexed illustrations: 0210517
vol. 8(3) 1925indexed illustrations: 021818
vol. 9 1921indexed illustrations: 022790
vol. 10 1922indexed illustrations: 026441
vol. 11 indexed illustrations: 0234273
vol. 12 indexed illustrations: 0234274
vol. 13 indexed illustrations: 0234275
vol. 14 indexed illustrations: 0234276
vol. 15 indexed illustrations: 0234277
vol. 16 indexed illustrations: 0234278
vol. 17 indexed illustrations: 0234279
vol. 18 indexed illustrations: 0234280
vol. 19 indexed illustrations: 0234281
vol. 20 indexed illustrations: 0234282
vol. 21 indexed illustrations: 0234283
vol. 22 indexed illustrations: 0234284
vol. 23 indexed illustrations: 0234285
vol. 24 indexed illustrations: 0234286
vol. 25 indexed illustrations: 0234287
vol. 26 indexed illustrations: 0234288
vol. 27 indexed illustrations: 0234289
vol. 28 indexed illustrations: 0234290
vol. 29 indexed illustrations: 0234291
vol. 30 indexed illustrations: 0234292
vol. 31 indexed illustrations: 0234293
vol. 32 1961indexed illustrations: 0234294
vol. 33 indexed illustrations: 0234295
vol. 34 indexed illustrations: 0234296
vol. 35 indexed illustrations: 0234297
vol. 36 indexed illustrations: 0234298
vol. 37 indexed illustrations: 0234299
vol. 38 indexed illustrations: 0234300
vol. 39 indexed illustrations: 0234301
vol. 40 indexed illustrations: 0234302