Rothschild, J., plantes a feuillage coloré [original ed. E.J. Lowe and W. Howard, Beautiful leaved plants (1861)]
Rothschild, J., Les plantes a feuillage coloré [original ed. E.J. Lowe and W. Howard, Beautiful leaved plants (1861)] (1865)
Pl. Feuill. Col.
No series

ID publicationID seriesserial_numberabbreviationyear(s)indexed illustrations number of volumes ID TL2ID Nissen
160616061Pl. Feuill. Col.1865125396611248

References: -

Nnumber of volumes: in this publication: 3

ID volumevolumevolume (sub)titleyear(s)indexed illustrations link contributor
4128vol. 1 1867indexed illustrations: 61
4129vol. 2 1870indexed illustrations: 64
6850vol. 2 1870indexed illustrations: 0Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, U.K.