Eulophia nuda
Eulophia nuda Lindl. = Eulophia spectabilis (Dennst.) Suresh
ID recognized genus:
recognized genus:
Eulophia R. Br. ex Lindley
ID species:
416249 | wfo-0000960114 | 77306822-1
ID basionym:
published in:
ID publication:
ID volume:

protologue: Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. : 180 (1833)

13077235 416249 Eulophia nuda Lindl.
R. Wight, , Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient., vol. 5 : t. 1690 (1846) [Govindoo]
15501142 416249 Eulophia nuda Lindl.
C.L. Blume, Coll. Orchid.: t. 62, fig. 2 (1858) [C.L. von Blume & Lateur]
12859435 416249 Eulophia nuda Lindl.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 8(3): : t. 243 (1891) [R. Pantling]
12796035 416249 Eulophia nuda Lindl.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 5(1): : t. 47 (1891) [G.C. Das]
12796135 416249 Eulophia nuda Lindl.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 5(1): : t. 48 (1891) [G.C. Das]
12796235 416249 Eulophia nuda Lindl.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 5(1): : t. 49 (1891) [G.C. Das]
12796335 416249 Eulophia nuda Lindl.
Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta), vol. 5(1): : t. 50 (1891) [G.C. Das]
3902135 416249 Eulophia nuda Lindl.
W.J. Hooker, J.D. Hooker, Icon. Pl., vol. 22 : t. 2116 (1894) [M. Smith]
678035 416249 Eulophia nuda Lindl.
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 132 [ser. 4, vol. 2]: t. 8057 (1906) [M. Smith]
21889435 416249 Eulophia nuda Lindl.
J.J. Smith, Orch. Java: t. 165 (1908)
34788035 416249 Eulophia nuda Lindl.
P.F. Fyson, Fl. Nilgiri & Pulney Hill-Tops, vol. 3 : t. 514 (1915-1920)
16262435 416249 Eulophia nuda Lindl.
K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Ind. Med. Pl., Plates, vol. 5 : t. 930 (1918)
33193235 416249 Eulophia nuda Lindl.
F.R.R. Schlechter, Fig.-Atlas Orch. Deut.-Neu-Guinea: , fig. 547 (1923)

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