Primula rosea
Primula rosea Royle
ID recognized genus:
recognized genus:
Primula L.
ID species:
838482 | wfo-0001285208 | 702529-1
ID basionym:
published in:
ID publication:
ID volume:

protologue: Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. 1: 311, t. 75, f. 1 (1836)

1060811 838482 Primula rosea Royle
J.H. Jaume Saint-Hilaire, Fl. Pom. Franç., vol. 1 : t. 4 (1828)
606271 838482 Primula rosea Royle
J.F. Royle, Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts., vol. 2(Plates): : t. 76 (1839) [Vishnupersaud]
248832xx 838482 Primula rosea Royle [80 837713 Primula elegans Duby]
J.R. Duby, Mémoire sur la famille des Primulacées: t. 1, fig. 1 (1844) [J.E. Duby]
39251 838482 Primula rosea Royle
W. Curtis, Bot. Mag., vol. 105 [ser. 3, vol. 35]: t. 6437 (1879) [H. Thiselton-Dyer]
1992701 838482 Primula rosea Royle
The Garden, vol. 16 : (1879)
3258711 838482 Primula rosea Royle
E.A. von Regel, Gartenflora, vol. 28 : t. 994 (1879)
3189921 838482 Primula rosea Royle
Rev. Hort. (Paris), ser. 4, vol. 52 (52e ANNÉE - 1880): , fig. 1 (1880)
3189731 838482 Primula rosea Royle
Rev. Hort. (Paris), ser. 4, vol. 52 (52e ANNÉE - 1880): , fig. 2 (1880) [Godard]
799951 838482 Primula rosea Royle
G. Nicholson, J.W.H. Trail, J. Garret, Ill. Dict. Gard., vol. 6 (Division 6 [Pin to Sci]): p. 241 (1884-1888)
2031721 838482 Primula rosea Royle
The Garden, vol. 50 : (1896)
2899341 838482 Primula rosea Royle
Wild Fl. World: t. 98, fig. E () [B. Everard]

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