Ischaemum polystachyum J. Presl [ Ischaemum nilagiricum Hackel]
Matthew, K.M., Illustrations on the flora of the Palni Hills (1996)
Ill. Fl. Palni Hills

t. 842
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Ischaemum polystachyum J. Presl

name cited:
Ischaemum nilagiricum Hackel
name recognized:
Ischaemum polystachyum J. Presl
family: Gramineae
subfamily: Panicoideae
tribe: Andropogoneae
subtribe: Ischaeminae
epithet cited: nilagiricus,-a,-um

epithet recognized: polystachyus,-a,-um

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heterotypic synonyms:
Andropogon arcuatus (Nees) Steudel; Andropogon bourouensis Steudel; Andropogon chordatus (Trin.) Steudel; Andropogon fasciculatus (Brongn.) Steudel; Andropogon mariannae Steudel; Andropogon medius Steudel; Andropogon paniceus Steudel; Andropogon submembranaceus Steudel; Ischaemum arcuatum (Nees) Stapf; Ischaemum chordatum (Trin.) Hackel ex Warb.; Ischaemum digitatum Brongn.; Ischaemum duthiei Stapf ex Bor; Ischaemum fasciculatum Brongn.; Ischaemum hirtum Hackel; Ischaemum intermedium Brongn.; Ischaemum junodii Hackel; Ischaemum lacei Stapf ex Bor; Ischaemum mellei Stent; Ischaemum nilagiricum Hackel; Ischaemum paniceum Chauv. ex Steudel; Ischaemum pilosum Nees ex Trimen; Ischaemum plumulosum Stapf ex Ridley; Ischaemum purpurascens Stapf; Ischaemum rivale Hackel; Ischaemum stipitatum Chiov.; Ischaemum taborense Pilg.; Ischaemum tallanum Rendle; Ischaemum todayense Elmer; Ischaemum turneri Hackel; Microstegium rupestre (Ridley) A.Camus; Pollinia rupestris Ridley; Spodiopogon arcuatus Nees; Spodiopogon chordatus Trin.; Spodiopogon rivalis (Hackel) Thwait ex Ferguson; Spodiopogon rivalis Thwaites ex Hackel;
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