xx Hippeastrum cybister (Herb.) Benth. ex Baker [ Lepidopharynx deflexa Rusby]
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden
Mem. New York Bot. Gard.

vol. 7 (1927)
p. 215 f. 1
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xx Hippeastrum cybister (Herb.) Benth. ex Baker

name cited:
Lepidopharynx deflexa Rusby
name recognized:
xx Hippeastrum cybister (Herb.) Benth. ex Baker
name recognized (basionym):
Sprekelia cybister Herb.
drawing: unsigned
epithet cited: deflexus,-a,-um

epithet recognized: cybister

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homotypic synonyms:
Sprekelia cybister Herb.;
heterotypic synonyms:
Amaryllis cybister (Herb.) Planchon; Amaryllis cybister (Herb.) Traub & Uphof; Hippeastrum anomalum Lindl. ex Planchon; Hippeastrum cybister (Herb.) Benth. & Hook.f.; Hippeastrum deflexum (Rusby) L.B.Sm.; Lepidopharynx deflexa Rusby;
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