Zea mays L.
North, M., Paintings
Paintings M. North

t. 224 f. 1
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Zea mays L.

binominal name:
Zea mays L.
name recognized:
Zea mays L.
cited non-linnean name:
Study of Cereals cultivated in Kumaon India

drawing: M. North
family: Gramineae
subfamily: Panicoideae
tribe: Andropogoneae
subtribe: Tripsacinae
epithet: mays

Copyright reserved. Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, U.K.
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heterotypic synonyms:
Mays americana Baumg.; Mays vulgaris Ser.; Mays zea Gaertner; Zea alba Miller; Zea altissima J. Gmelin ex Steudel; Zea americana Miller; Zea amylacea Sturtev.; Zea amyleosaccharata Sturtev. ex L.H.Bailey; Zea canina S. Watson; Zea cryptosperma Bonaf.; Zea curagua Molina; Zea erythrolepis Bonaf.; Zea everta Sturtev.; Zea gigantea Voss; Zea glumacea LarraƱaga; Zea gracillima Voss; Zea hirta Bonaf.; Zea indentata Sturtev.; Zea indurata Sturtev.; Zea japonica Van Houtte; Zea macrosperma Klotzsch; Zea minima Voss; Zea minor J. Gmelin ex Steudel; Zea mucronata Poit. ex Vilm.; Zea odontosperma Ten.; Zea oryzoides Golosk.; Zea praecox Steudel; Zea rostrata Bonaf.; Zea saccharata Sturtev.; Zea segetalis Salisb.; Zea tunicata (A.St.Hil.) Sturtev. ex L.H.Bailey; Zea vaginata Sturtev.; Zea vittata Voss; Zea vulgaris Miller;
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2 1081381 Zea mays L.
M. North, Paintings M. North: t. 224, fig. 1 () [M. North]