Asplenium pulchellum Raddi
Raddi, G., Plantarum brasiliensium nova genera, vol 1, Filices (1825)
Pl. Bras. Nov. Gen.

vol. 1 (1825)
t. 52 f. 2
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Asplenium pulchellum Raddi

name cited:
Asplenium pulchellum Raddi
name recognized:
Asplenium pulchellum Raddi
drawing: P. Guicciardini
family: Aspleniaceae
epithet: pulchellus,-a,-um

Illustration contributed by:
Wellcome Museum and Library, London, U.K.
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heterotypic synonyms:
Asplenium holmbergii Hicken; Asplenium poloense Rosenst.;
no full size  illustration available (3a)