Plumier, C., Mss. (1689-1697)

vol. 2 (1689-1697)
[Botanicon Americanum seu historia plantarum Americanis insulis nascentium]
t. 43
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name cited: 0 Aristolochia 6164 -
cited non-linnean name:
Aristolochia longa scandens folio trigono maximo flore

drawing: C. Plumier
  1. Rankin Rodríguez, R., Greuter , W., Charles Plumier’s drawings of American plants and the nomenclature of early caribbean Aristolochia species (Aristolochiaceae), 677-688 (1999)

family: Aristolochiaceae
subfamily: Aristolochioideae
tribe: Aristolochieae

Illustration contributed by:
Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris, France
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