Ophiopogon intermedius D. Don
North, M., Paintings
Paintings M. North

t. 239 f. 3
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Ophiopogon intermedius D. Don

binominal name:
Ophiopogon intermedius D. Don
name recognized:
Ophiopogon intermedius D. Don
cited non-linnean name:
Wild Flowers of Simla India

drawing: M. North
family: Liliaceae
subfamily: Convallarioideae
tribe: Ophiopogoneae
epithet: intermedius,-a,-um

Copyright reserved. Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, U.K.
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contact about this record homotypic synonyms:
Flueggea intermedia (D. Don) Kunth; Mondo intermedium (D. Don) L.H.Bailey;
heterotypic synonyms:
Flueggea dubia Kunth; Flueggea griffithii Baker; Flueggea jacquemontiana Kunth; Flueggea wallichiana Kunth; Mondo scabrum Ohwi; Mondo wallichianum (Kunth) L.H.Bailey; Ophiopogon aciformis F.T.Wang & Tang ex H.Li & Y.P.Yang; Ophiopogon compressus Y.Wan & C.C.Huang; Ophiopogon griffithii (Baker) Hook.f.; Ophiopogon indicus Wight; Ophiopogon longibracteatus H.Li & Y.P.Yang; Ophiopogon longipedicellatus Y.Wan & C.C.Huang; Ophiopogon parviflorus (Hook.f.) H.Hara; Ophiopogon wallichianus (Kunth) Hook.f.; Ophiopogon xiaokuai Z.Y.Zhu;