Cornus macrophylla Wall.
Brandis, D., Lindsay, J., Fitch, W.H., Illustrations of the forest flora of North-West and Central India (1874)
Forest Fl. N.W. India, Atlas

t. 32
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Cornus macrophylla Wall.

name cited:
Cornus macrophylla Wall.
name recognized:
Cornus macrophylla Wall.
drawing: W.H. Fitch
family: Cornaceae
epithet: macrophyllus,-a,-um

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homotypic synonyms:
Swida macrophylla (Wall.) Soják; Thelycrania macrophylla (Wall.) Pojark.;
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2 275656 Cornus macrophylla Wall.
D. Brandis, J. Lindsay, W.H. Fitch, Forest Fl. N.W. India, Atlas: t. 32 (1874) [W.H. Fitch]