Metroxylon sagu Rottb.
North, M., Paintings
Paintings M. North

t. 567
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Metroxylon sagu Rottb.

binominal name:
Metroxylon sagu Rottb.
name recognized:
Metroxylon sagu Rottb.
cited non-linnean name:
Sago Palms in flower with a glimpse of the river at Sarawak Borneo

drawing: M. North
family: Palmae
subfamily: Calamoideae
tribe: Calameae
subtribe: Metroxylinae
epithet: sagu

Copyright reserved. Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, U.K.
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homotypic synonyms:
Sagus sagu (Rottb.) Karsten;
heterotypic synonyms:
Metroxylon hermaphroditum Hassk.; Metroxylon inerme (Roxb.) Mart.; Metroxylon laeve (Giseke) Mart.; Metroxylon longispinum (Giseke) Mart.; Metroxylon micracanthum Mart.; Metroxylon oxybracteatum Warb. ex Schumann & Lauterb.; Metroxylon rumphii (Willd.) Mart.; Metroxylon sago K.D.Koenig; Metroxylon squarrosum Becc.; Metroxylon sylvestre (Giseke) Mart.; Sagus americana Poiret; Sagus genuina Giseke; Sagus inermis Roxb.; Sagus koenigii Griff.; Sagus laevis Jack; Sagus longispina (Giseke) Blume; Sagus micracantha (Mart.) Blume; Sagus rumphii Willd.; Sagus spinosa Roxb.; Sagus sylvestris (Giseke) Blume;
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2 664478 Metroxylon sagu Rottb.
M. North, Paintings M. North: t. 567 () [M. North]