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There were 6 illustrations found for epithet penninervius,-a,-um

403482 351915 Discopodium penninervium Hochst.
A. Richard, Tent. Fl. Abyss. (Plates): t. 79 (1851) [A.C. Vauthier]
3714902 985524 Styloceras penninervium A.H.Gentry & Aymard
Novon, vol. 3 : p. 143 (1993) [P. Bick]
2871692 351915 Discopodium penninervium Hochst.
J. Hutchinson, J.M. Dalziel, R.W.J. Keay, Fl. W. Trop. Afr., ed. 2, vol. 2 : p. 328, fig. 280 (1963) [S. Ross-Craig]
3422295 812829 Plukenetia penninervia Muell. Arg.
M. Sessé, M. Mociño, Draw. Roy. Exped. New Spain: , fig. 4[Hunt instutute, Turner collection no. 1568] (1787-1803)
3409765 812829 Plukenetia penninervia Muell. Arg.
M. Sessé, M. Mociño, Draw. Roy. Exped. New Spain: [Hunt instutute, Turner collection no. 1981] (1787-1803)
3602812 351915 Discopodium penninervium Hochst.
L. Balugani, Drawings of African plants, from the collection made by J. Bruce on his travels to discover the source of the Nile (1767-1773): t. 32 (1765)