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There were 21 illustrations found for epithet trichopodus,-a,-um

137532 1017282 Tibouchina trichopoda Baillon
C.F.P. von Martius, A.G. Eichler, I. Urban, Fl. Bras., vol. 14(3): fasicle 94, (Melastomaceae, tribus I - II ): t. 74 (1885)
137546 1017282 Tibouchina trichopoda Baillon
C.F.P. von Martius, A.G. Eichler, I. Urban, Fl. Bras., vol. 14(3): fasicle 94, (Melastomaceae, tribus I - II ): t. 75 (1885)
382252 553833 Indigofera trichopoda Guill. & Perr.
J.B.A. Guillemin, S. Perrottet, Fl. Seneg. Tent.: t. 47 (1833) [J. Decaisne]
463236 920427 Sciaphila densiflora Schltr.
Bot. Jahrb. Syst., vol. 49 : p. 83 (1913)
1781802 52164 Amborella trichopoda Baillon
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 101 [Heft 4], (Monimiaceae): p. 18, fig. 3 A-C (1901)
1798382 52164 Amborella trichopoda Baillon
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 101(Suppl.): [Heft 49], (Monimiaceae (Nächtrage)): p. 2, fig. 1 (1911)
1805452 985475 Stylidium trichopodum F. Muell.
H.G.A. Engler, Pflanzenr., vol. 278 [Heft 35], (Stylidiaceae): p. 36, fig. 13 L-N (1908)
524936 645142 Marsilea coromandelina Willd.
Fl. Madag., vol. 10 (Marsiléacées): p. 3 (1952) [D. Godot de Mauroy]
525761 439755 Ficus trichopoda Baker
Fl. Madag., vol. 55 (Moracées): p. 61 (1952)
533581 785369 Phyllanthus trichopodus Leandri
Fl. Madag., vol. 111 (Euphorbiacées): p. 87 (1958) [M.J. Vesque]
8596812 114382 Astragalus trichopodus (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray [80 773631 Phaca leucopsis Torrey & A. Gray]
W.H. Emory, Rep. U.S. Mex. Bound., vol. 2(1): (Botany of the boundary): t. 16 (1859)
1059142 52164 Amborella trichopoda Baillon
J. Arnold Arbor., vol. 29 : t. 2 (1948)
1108145 816092 Poa tolmatchewii Roshev.
G.C. Oeder, Fl. Dan., vol. 17 fasicle 49, : t. 2885 (1877-1883)
3825396 645142 Marsilea coromandelina Willd.
H.G.A. Engler, O. Drude, Veg. Erde, vol. 9(2): : p. 66, fig. 63 (1908)
1412815 168204 Bupleurum trichopodum Boiss. & Spruner
J. Sibthrop, J.E. Smith, Fl. Graec. (drawings), vol. 3 : t. 62 (1845-1847)
1424925 168204 Bupleurum trichopodum Boiss. & Spruner
J. Sibthrop, J.E. Smith, Fl. Graec., vol. 3 : p. 56, t. 262 (1819)
15833512 114382 Astragalus trichopodus (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray [80 773631 Phaca leucopsis Torrey & A. Gray]
M.E. Parsons, Wild Fl. Calif.: p. 45 (1906) [M.W. Buck]
21593312 1064410 Viola fargesii species H. Boissieu
B. Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formos., vol. 3 : p. 29, fig. 15 (1913)
3447836 439755 Ficus trichopoda Baker
T.R. Sim, Forest Fl. Port. E. Afr.: t. 93, fig. A (1909)
2388546 202710 Carex podogyna Franch. & Sav.
Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat., sér. 3, vol. 8 : t. 11, fig. 2 (1896) [B. Herincq]
50951644 1004834 Terminalia trichopoda Diels
O.H. Coates Palgrave, Trees C. Afr.: t. 39 (1957)